Awards and accolades

2024 - Honorable mention in the EU Citizen Science Award

The Play Aut the Box project, led by Blanca Calvo and Raquel Colacios, researchers at the Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab), has received an honorable mention in the EU Citizen Science Award

2023-Awarded as the selected academic by the Academia Joven de España

Diana Roig-Sanz, coordinator of the Global Literary Studies Research Lab (GlobaLS), has been one of the 10 scholars awarded the Medal of Academic Number, in the 2023 Edition, by the Academia Joven de España.

2023-Award for the Best Doctoral Contribution to Open Science

The winner of the 1st Award for the Best Doctoral Contribution to Open Science is Marta Roqueta, a PhD student on the Information and Knowledge Society programme and researcher at the Gender and ICT (GenTIC) research group of the IN3.

2021-«Xatkit: Massive generation of chatbots on-demand»

The project "Xatkit: Massive generation of chatbots on-demand", from the Systems, Software and Models research group (SOM Research Lab), was awarded the Jury's Prize for the Best Entrepreneurial Project at the SpinUOC (9th Edition) 2021.  

2021-WUICOM-BCN: Resilient interface communities in Barcelona's spotlight

The WUICOM project is one of the 7 selected projects in the BCN Science call, promoted by Fundació "La Caixa" and the Barcelona City Council.
2021-Jorge Wagensberg Award

Maria Palazzi Nieves has been awarded the Jorge Wagensberg prize for the best thesis in complex systems. The thesis was supervised by Javier Borge-Holthoefer and Albert Solé Ribalta.

2020-Best Demo Award: PapyGame

Papygame, a platform created by the research group SOM Research Lab of the IN3, gets the Best Demo Award at the 23rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 20).

2019-Second award in the Sharing & Reuse Awards

The Decidim project received the second award in the category of 'the most innovative open source software' in the Sharing & Reuse Awards (# SRawards2019). Organized by the European Commission, these awards promote the sharing and reuse of computer solutions between public administrations.

2019-Outstanding Paper Award of Emerald Publishing

Pilar Ficapal-Cusí and Joan Torrent-Sellens, professors at the Faculty of Economics and Business and members of the i2TIC research group at UOC, together with Milagros Sáinz, director of the Gender and ICT research group of the IN3 and Angel Díaz-Chao (Department of Applied Economics at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) have received the Emerald Literati Award for Excellence 2019, in the Outstanding Paper category, for the article “Gender inequalities in job quality during the recession”.

MODELS 2018 Conference
2018 - Best Paper Award in the MODELS 2018 Conference

Loli Burgueño, researcher of the research group SOM Research Lab of the IN3, wins the best Paper Award of the international Conference MODELS 2018  for the paper "Expressing Confidence in Models and in Model Transformation Elements".